Monday, April 28, 2014

Hope Does Not Disappoint

November 1, 2013

Dear Friends,
            Hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”  Romans 5:5

This part of Romans chapter 5 is one of the more well-known from that letter of Paul.  It’s almost cliché.  But when we think about the journey of this congregation, it has been defined by a hopeful people—a hope-filled people.  This congregation continues to live into hope, and it doesn’t matter whether we are moving through times of celebration, or times of challenge.  The steady pulse of the body here is pounding with hope.
            It’s as though each of you here has taken this passage from Romans, and actually believed it.  Hope does not disappoint.  We have seen times of change and times of transition.  Since I’ve been part of the ministry here, we have been in some kind of transition.  I don’t know what it means to be stagnant at First Presbyterian.  I am not sure there has been a time that can be described with this word.   It’s not to say that there have not been seasons of challenging situations; times where we have not known what the future holds.  But the transition has not defined the people here.  The steadfast love of God has defined you.
            Starting on the first of this month, we welcome the Rev. Lucia Oerter, who has been preparing for the interim period with us.  As a reminder, the Session is charged with the responsibility to contract with Interim ministers in a congregation.  At the very least, we expect Lucia to be with us for 1 year.  This time period may be extended as the process warrants it.  Though I addressed this in a previous writing, the interim time is very important in the Presbyterian Church.  As the congregation has said farewell to its previous moderator of Session and its pastor, the interim time is intended to bring about clarity and focus in the vision of a congregation’s future.  There is a process that seeks to accomplish this clarity.  Lucia will lead us through many of these things during her time here.  While I have had some training in this process, it is best to follow her lead as she comes in for a specific purpose and her calling is to do this very thing.  Also as a reminder, I’m still the Associate Pastor here, and my call remains as it has been.  In the time between Rebekah Maul’s leadership and Lucia Oerter’s leadership, the Session has asked me to be the moderator of Session and acting Head of Staff.  As soon as Lucia is here, she will assume these roles.  The timing is nothing short of the moving of the Holy Spirit.  Lucia and I will have between 3-5 weeks together before Kelly and I are likely heading to China and at which time I will take a short family leave of absence upon our return.
            There are many things that come out of our collective life of hope.  We have had nothing short of excellent leadership during this pre-interim time.  The Session has been stellar.  The Interim Search Team did their work in remarkable time.  They did not miss a beat.  Yet, their work has been deeply rooted-in and guided by the Lord.  We owe them a great deal of thanks.  The steps to come will involve the larger congregation in many ways—reflecting on our history, visioning a future as well as future leadership, clarifying our identity, and all of these to bring about the priority we claim as Christ’s servants in the world.  I continue to pray for each part of this amazing congregation, and I’m so grateful for the ongoing support you offer our entire family (including Vivienne) as we serve among you here.   

Peace, Love, Hope and Joy,  Tim

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