. . .Seems like I've been saving up all my thoughts and keeping them to myself instead of publishing them for the world to read, but I've been intrigued by all the blogging out there and some of the bloggologians (web-logging for Jesus). Thought I'd add to the mix and start to develop something to see where it leads. I already write a column every other week for our newsletter at the church, called Tim's Tangents, so that gives me a regular place to start. And since we just had a son, who has already developed (or at least Kelly developed) two of his own websites, I was already behind. He can be found in two places (www.babysites.com/sites/kellyannblack) and (http://www.blackfamilybloggers.blogspot.com/). He's a good looker and we love him very much. All for now. Off to think of more tangents.
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