I've just spent this past week leading worship for a bunch of campers at Cedarkirk Camp and Conference Center in Lithia, Florida. At the same time, I'm missing my old TYC (Trinity Youth Conference) community up in Schellsburg, PA, who are also meeting this week. TYC was where my faith was not so much formed, as it was refined. So, this is the 4th time I've led worship at Cedarkirk, and each time I don't actually stay at the camp, but rather drive out each evening because it's only 15 miles from our home. In the past, I wanted to sleep in my own bed, be with Kelly and the dogs, and then Micah and Liam came along, so I'm even more inclined to be at home. But this week, I'm really glad I didn't stay. The whole camp has been battling an outbreak of swine flu. Thirty-some campers left early, and it's put a bit of a damper on the week for those that have remained. But God is still here and we're still worshiping as we are called to. Prayers go out for those who have been suffering with the high fevers and ickyness. I'm hopeful that all recover well. In the meantime, I'll return to my family and enjoy (hopefully without the flu) the weekend. Liam gets baptized this Sunday, so that will be a celebration. I hope he doesn't cry.