I've been working with a small group to begin planning a new worship service at our church. The rules are---there are no rules! The more we study and think and try to be good, headstrong Presbyterians, the more we realize that we don't have to worry about this so much. While using our minds and our spirits and our hearts and our strength to serve the Lord, there is so much that we don't seem to know about the folks who aren't church-goers. The unchurched, dechurched, rechurched among us are the folks we would love to reach through a very different gathering time, but the orderly, linear way of doing all things Presbyterian isn't the way to go about it. In fact, the Presbyterians are starting to realize, I think, that we've been so worried about being in order for so long, that we haven't let the Spirit have its way with us to the fullest extent. So, what are we going to do? I hope to continue to reflect on that in the next few months ahead.